What is Subgrounds?

Subgrounds is a pythonic data access layer for querying, manipulating and visualizing data indexed on The Graph network.

Subgrounds is an open-source python library created by the Playgrounds team to unlock enhanced data access and analytics capabilities made possible by The Graph network. With the Subgrounds library, users now have access to an advanced yet accessible and familar set of tools for on-chain data analytics that are:

  1. Highly extensible and modular, providing continuity with existing data analytics tools

  2. Minimally verbose, significantly reducing the on-chain analytics learning curve

  3. Open and modifiable to better fit your data environment and workflow

  4. Entirely based on subgraph schemas made available through The Graph

  5. Wrapped with Plotly, a powerful visualization library

Let's consider the analogy of The Graph acting as the Google of blockchains. Similar to Google, The Graph indexes and presents blockchain data as query results. However, imagine if to use Google you needed to know a unique coding language called GoogleQL. While exactly the same information is indexed, the results would be inaccessible to most. Continuing this analogy, we can imagine Subgrounds as a standardized webpage that presents the contents of whatever website link you click in the search results.

Subgrounds is built on top of The Graph and allows anyone to easily search, filter, manipulate and visualize any data that is indexed on The Graph.

With Subgrounds, you now have a familiar set of data analytics tooling for blockchain data analysis.

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