How does Subgrounds work?

Are you a data scientist or engineer? Check out The Tutorials for technical explanations, tutorials and workshops for using Subgrounds.

You now understand what Subgrounds is and why it useful, but how does it work from a non-technical perspective?

Subgrounds exists in this broader ecosystem that The Graph powers. Lets dive into the process and travel along the path that data can take from chain to dashboard:

  1. A network or chain produces data continuously in the form of blocks. This is the rawest form of data and consists of a series of blocks containing transactions and other metadata. This is often explored through a blockchain explorer, such as Etherscan.

  2. The Graph indexes this data through their system of subgraph nodes and graph indexers.

  3. Subgrounds ingests this indexed data and pipes it directly into your Python environment, providing recognizable objects representing the data.

  4. We can now apply our familiar Python data stack to transform the data (using pandas), and visualize the data (using matplotlib or plotly).

Playgrounds Maestro extends this process further providing further reach to non-developer analysts and more. Here is a sneak peak of our Maestro platform (coming soon):

  1. Maestro will direct the data ingested by Subgrounds into your favorite data warehouse.

  2. Now, you can use your own warehoused data to empower the familiar BI tooling including Google Sheets, Power BI, Retool, etc.

Last updated